Yes, I have received vaxxes as an adult. I had to have the Hep B vax for a job I had previously. It was mandatory. I also had some flu vaxxes, before I realized what I was doing to my body. Now, all doctors hate me, because I basically make fun of the vaxxes. I tell them I have already received my lifetime allotment of mercury and other adjuvants. I also won't take statins and even though my last doctor knew the numbers "saved" scam he still insisted I take them, "to save my life." 😳😖🤬
I'm curious, do you think at the job that mandated the hep b vax that you were at greater risk of contracting hep B compared to the general population?
I haven't taken any vaccines since I got out of the Air Force in 1983. I will never get ANY vaccines! I take care of my immune system and will survive any cold/flu without fear.
I'm enrolled in Medicare to start Feb. 1st. If any doctor tries to push that Hep B shot on me they will get a polite earful!😉
Viruses do not cause disease for individual people (cases) or across populations (epidemics, pandemics).
Vaccine products are heterogeneous, unstable mixtures of cells from human, animal, plant, bacteria and other living creatures, cell products and fragments of dead or dying cells, mixed with synthetic chemicals and metals.
The forms of scientific misconduct and deceit in virology and in vaccine manufacturing and regulation, and the forms of cover-up mechanisms adopted to shield the misconduct and deceit from public view, have changed during the past 85 years.
Thank you for your comments Stuart. I admit I am still trying to figure much of this out. In 2020 the lab created theory seemed plausible to me but as I listen more to people such as Watt and Latypova, I do think it's possible it was an aerosolized bioweapon. I do believe viruses exist bc our microbiome such as that of the gut and lungs contain not just bacteria but viruses as well. It seems that many people think all viruses are pathogenic but just like how yeast can live in harmony in us, it can become pathogenic when the inner ecosystem gets disrupted.
Where I am still confused and perhaps you can point me to sources of clarification, is if there are antibodies for C19, is that bc this coronavirus has always existed and they just used it as an identifier to instill fear? Also, if Sweden did not follow mandates and protocols of other countries, shouldn't we have not seen an increase in deaths in 2020 for that country? Additionally, if viruses do not exist, say for polio, what is the antigen that is in their vaccine products? Why would this vaccine cause paralysis in some? Someone said the adjuvants are causing it but that doesn't make sense bc we would then see polio like s/s from all vaccines.
Simple first steps would be to examine Enders' first viral isolation study from 1954. They use the same basic techniques today, with the exception of computer sequencing (which is another fraud). You can find the original paper here:
I believed in viruses for the 30 years I practiced medicine, but now, having looked at the seminal works, I can say with confidence that they have never isolated any virus. They may exist (you can't prove non-existence of anything), but they are not proven to exist.
The other thing that helped me was looking at the Rosenau experiments from 1919 where he tried to prove contagion.
There have been hundreds of other contagion studies that have also universally failed using hundreds of thousands of people and animals. Daniel Roytas has a book called "Can You Catch a Cold" that covers many of these studies.
Thank you for all of these links. I appreciate hearing from medical doctors who have begun questioning the foundations of their medical education. I only recently heard of Mike Stone (via some conflicts with Jamie Andrews, another that I am unfamiliar with). I will read Stone's post and hope to read the Byrant-Unbekoming interview on No Pandemic tomorrow.
Yes, I have received vaxxes as an adult. I had to have the Hep B vax for a job I had previously. It was mandatory. I also had some flu vaxxes, before I realized what I was doing to my body. Now, all doctors hate me, because I basically make fun of the vaxxes. I tell them I have already received my lifetime allotment of mercury and other adjuvants. I also won't take statins and even though my last doctor knew the numbers "saved" scam he still insisted I take them, "to save my life." 😳😖🤬
I'm curious, do you think at the job that mandated the hep b vax that you were at greater risk of contracting hep B compared to the general population?
I worked at a wastewater treatment plant. We dealt with raw sweage. So, possibly. I didn't look into if it can persist in the sewage.
I haven't taken any vaccines since I got out of the Air Force in 1983. I will never get ANY vaccines! I take care of my immune system and will survive any cold/flu without fear.
I'm enrolled in Medicare to start Feb. 1st. If any doctor tries to push that Hep B shot on me they will get a polite earful!😉
Love it! And thank you for your service. (our son is AF).
From Katherine Watt:
Viruses do not cause disease for individual people (cases) or across populations (epidemics, pandemics).
Vaccine products are heterogeneous, unstable mixtures of cells from human, animal, plant, bacteria and other living creatures, cell products and fragments of dead or dying cells, mixed with synthetic chemicals and metals.
The forms of scientific misconduct and deceit in virology and in vaccine manufacturing and regulation, and the forms of cover-up mechanisms adopted to shield the misconduct and deceit from public view, have changed during the past 85 years.
The substance has not.
Thank you for your comments Stuart. I admit I am still trying to figure much of this out. In 2020 the lab created theory seemed plausible to me but as I listen more to people such as Watt and Latypova, I do think it's possible it was an aerosolized bioweapon. I do believe viruses exist bc our microbiome such as that of the gut and lungs contain not just bacteria but viruses as well. It seems that many people think all viruses are pathogenic but just like how yeast can live in harmony in us, it can become pathogenic when the inner ecosystem gets disrupted.
Where I am still confused and perhaps you can point me to sources of clarification, is if there are antibodies for C19, is that bc this coronavirus has always existed and they just used it as an identifier to instill fear? Also, if Sweden did not follow mandates and protocols of other countries, shouldn't we have not seen an increase in deaths in 2020 for that country? Additionally, if viruses do not exist, say for polio, what is the antigen that is in their vaccine products? Why would this vaccine cause paralysis in some? Someone said the adjuvants are causing it but that doesn't make sense bc we would then see polio like s/s from all vaccines.
Simple first steps would be to examine Enders' first viral isolation study from 1954. They use the same basic techniques today, with the exception of computer sequencing (which is another fraud). You can find the original paper here:
Here is a commentary on the paper by Mike Stone:
I believed in viruses for the 30 years I practiced medicine, but now, having looked at the seminal works, I can say with confidence that they have never isolated any virus. They may exist (you can't prove non-existence of anything), but they are not proven to exist.
The other thing that helped me was looking at the Rosenau experiments from 1919 where he tried to prove contagion.
There have been hundreds of other contagion studies that have also universally failed using hundreds of thousands of people and animals. Daniel Roytas has a book called "Can You Catch a Cold" that covers many of these studies.
This should help you get started. Our understanding of disease and what causes disease is deeply flawed.
Unbekoming had a great article yesterday that explains the root of the germ theory deception (Pasteur was a fraud).
Hope this helps!
Thank you for all of these links. I appreciate hearing from medical doctors who have begun questioning the foundations of their medical education. I only recently heard of Mike Stone (via some conflicts with Jamie Andrews, another that I am unfamiliar with). I will read Stone's post and hope to read the Byrant-Unbekoming interview on No Pandemic tomorrow.