Hepatitis B vaccine. Another vaccine to be informed about since it is getting pushed more on you.
The Hep B vaccine isn't just for babies anymore.
Hepatitis B Vaccine. Why would older adults need it?
I have written before on adult vaccines, such as in this post, and to be prepared for the vaccine speech (if you see an allopathic-minded medical professional).
The number of vaccines is rising not only for children but also for adults until very old age. The CDC schedule has a long list of adult vaccines, such as yearly doses for the flu and C19, plus more vaccines for RSV, Tdap, Mpox, MMR, HPV, Hep A and B, and Meningococcal A, B, C, W, and Y, along with a few others.
In this post, I want to highlight the Hepatitis B vaccine for Medicare recipients because you may find that an allopathic doctor encourages you to get it. Conspiracy Sarah also recently posted on the Hepatitis B vaccine in adults.
What is Hepatitis B?
From my holistic education at Bauman College, I learned that this virus can be transmitted from one person to another via blood, semen, saliva, or other bodily fluids. For most individuals, the virus will clear on its own within several weeks without any intervention. However, for a small percentage (roughly 5%) of people who acquire Hep B, it will become a chronic health issue that can cause liver damage.
The average non-needle-using adult who does not work in a healthcare setting has a low risk of contracting Hepatitis B. Many healthcare workers are still at low risk. For instance, I used to work in long-term care, where the Hep B vaccine was encouraged. There was no increased risk that I, as a social worker, would acquire it from my residents.
Your exposure risk would increase if you worked in a medical emergency and regularly came into contact with blood and other bodily fluids.
Why do babies on the first day of life need a Hep B injection?
Hep B Vaccine Schedule
Dose one is given within the first 24 hours of birth. Dose two comes just one month later, and dose three comes 6 months after dose one (5 months after dose two). There is also a 4-dose schedule of different brands in which dose one is still within 24 hours of birth; dose two is 6 weeks later, then the third one at 14 weeks old, and the last infancy one at 6 months old. This is just for Hep B. This does not include all the other vaccines given during the same “wellness” checkup.
Babies do not need it, but the public health reasoning that I have heard as the justification for this vaccine at birth is that they need to get the Hep B vaccine into babies because it is more challenging to vaccinate active drug users. So I guess their reasoning is to vaccinate every baby for Hep B because you never know which one of those infants will grow up to be active needle users.
The ironic part of that logic is that many drug users, such as heroin addicts, ended up on that path due to allopathic medicine prescribing painkillers for an injury.
When our oldest son had a hockey injury, I think he was around 14, the Emergency Department medical doctor was very quick to get out his pad and write a script for painkillers. He looked at me, befuddled as to why I said no to the prescription.
Hepatitis B vaccine if you are on Medicare
But now, the Hep B vaccine will be pushed onto the Medicare-eligible population. The CDC recommends that adults over 60 with ZERO increased risk for Hep B should still get the vaccine if they have not already been vaccinated against Hep B.
Should an adult over 60 with zero increased risk for Hep B still get the vaccine?
Where is the logic in that?
Additionally, do not worry if you get an extra Hep B vaccine because an additional dose is apparently perfectly safe. (nevermind that additional dose of toxins in the adjuvants that an aging adult may not be able to detoxify from the body as well as a young, healthy adult who sweats, gets sunshine, hydrates adequately with filtered water, has regular bowel movements and eats a nutrient-dense whole food diet).
Revisions for the Hep B vaccine for Medicare recipients
2. Revised Payment Policies for Hepatitis B Vaccine Administration
In section III.M of this final rule, we are finalizing our proposal to expand the list of individuals who are determined to be at high or intermediate risk of contracting hepatitis B at § 410.63 in order to improve access and utilization of hepatitis B vaccines. Specifically, we proposed to expand coverage of hepatitis B vaccinations by revising § 410.63(a)(2), Intermediate Risk Groups, by adding a new paragraph (a)(2)(iv) to include individuals who have not previously received a completed hepatitis B vaccination series and individuals whose previous vaccination history is unknown. We believe that this final rule coverage change will help protect Medicare beneficiaries from acquiring hepatitis B infection, contribute to eliminating viral hepatitis as a public health threat in the United States, and is in the best interest of the Medicare program and its beneficiaries.
So, what they are saying is that anyone who is Medicare eligible and has not had a Hep B vaccine or for some reason has no records to show whether they have or have not received it now falls into a category of people who are at high or intermediate risk of getting hepatitis B.
How is this group of the population suddenly at risk of Hep B when they weren’t before?
The answer is that they were not at risk before or now. It has nothing to do with your health.
Have you received any vaccines as an adult?
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I do not use mainstream social media, so please share my posts so that more people can get informed on how to get and stay healthy.
This is NOT information allopathic practitioners will share with you.
Yes, I have received vaxxes as an adult. I had to have the Hep B vax for a job I had previously. It was mandatory. I also had some flu vaxxes, before I realized what I was doing to my body. Now, all doctors hate me, because I basically make fun of the vaxxes. I tell them I have already received my lifetime allotment of mercury and other adjuvants. I also won't take statins and even though my last doctor knew the numbers "saved" scam he still insisted I take them, "to save my life." 😳😖🤬
I haven't taken any vaccines since I got out of the Air Force in 1983. I will never get ANY vaccines! I take care of my immune system and will survive any cold/flu without fear.
I'm enrolled in Medicare to start Feb. 1st. If any doctor tries to push that Hep B shot on me they will get a polite earful!😉