You are spot on. Dr. Mercola, Amidwesterndoctor and Dr. makis on substack all agree with you.

The rise in all health problem I believe is the covid shot.

BTW, you might want to get good news from: https://substack.com/@vigilantfox

Vigilant Fox and Vigilant news. This guy was in the health buusiness before this and on substack now

I find he gives accurate news. You might want to try him out.

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Thank you. So many excellent substacks but so little time to read them all!

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My dad was a research chemist who created flessmans and blue bonnet margarine - when I was in HS. Even back then I argued that it wasn’t healthy. Ithanks for your info - I’m traveling now and should have brought charcoal. I will pass this info on. So many people who eat junk. It’d be good to be able to teach others. Sitting at the airport now and seeing so much obesity.

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On the masks and Covid you are completely correct. Dr. Mercola and Dr. wm. Makis and many other doctors on Substack agree with you. Not sure what they are going to try next... We just need to be ready for it. Thanks for putting the information out for us.

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Being prepared and not dependent upon the system is vital. Skills are valuable.

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It's hard to take the studies seriously when they are for the most part, flawed Even Dr. Gregor doesn't seem to distinguish between organic, grass fed products and 'McDonalds' when he interprets studies. I think the best way to determine accuracy is by seeing how the products affect you. Do you look and feel healthy and if so, what are you eating, how are you taking care of your body. I don't take a multi-vitamin, btw.

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Well said!

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i \was on BHRT for 2 years and after reading Dr. Mercola's info, decided to get off of it. I had not had any bad experiences on it, but the Dr. who prescribed it was unethical and i left her practice. The PA I'ved talked to since then encouraged me to stay off hormones, stating that i'm getting old and should allow that to happen without trying to change things, adding that there has been much research showing the hormones will cause various cancers. I liked some of the effects I had with the hormones. They weren't cheap, however, and i'd sure like to know what it best for me. i'm looking for another Dr. at this point, more along the lines of one who is holistic, etc. If you have any suggestions, I'm all ears.

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I also believe that the state of our body will determine whether we 'get sick' or not. I have been working to strengthen my immune system for years. I did get covid. I wish I'd had access to alternative means of helping my system to fight it, because i got very sick for a few weeks; too sick to think clearly about what I could do to strengthen my system. My doctor had said, 'Do not come in to the office if you have covid!' My chiropractor quietly took both my husband and myself in for adjustments. I think there are things out there - virus or whatever, and have noticed some people do not get downed by them - i.e. they have a strong immune system. And soem people get a little sick, and others get deadly sick. It's all about how strong your body is.

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It is difficult to put some health strategies into action when you are so sick you can barely get out of bed. That's one reason why I'm putting a binder together so that if I do get sick, my husband can go to the remedy binder to get me what I need.

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I take Neocell collagen - I stopped taking it for a bit and then started up again about 6 months ago and have noticed great improvement in my nails. I had problems growing my thumb nails, as they would crack as they grew out - I never could grow those nails with any length. Now the thumb nails are smoother and 1/2" extended. It seems that people have different reactions to the same supplements. I haven't noticed improvement in wrinkles and my hair is still strong and shiny. I started taking ArthroSoothe 2 years ago (DesignsforHealth) at a doctor's recommendation and got very quick results with knee pain. The formula says take 2 2X a day and it's expensive so I take 2 1x a day and still get results.

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Glad the smaller ArthroSoothe dose works for you since it's pricey.

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When I was getting blood draws for ozone/vitamin treatments, my blood started coagulating on the 3rd session and my doctor said it was because I had been infected by the spike protein found in the covid shots - which I had not gotten - but apparently other people around you can spread their spike proteins. She recommended natto serrazime, and the next week my blood was flowing like it had always done in the past. I ;sometimes give it to my husband because he did have a stroke before I knew him. And I still take it from time to time since there are still people out there getting more covid vaccines.

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Interesting. It makes you wonder if we all should take a blood thinning enzyme, at least briefly or from time to time as you are.

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On young people illnesses now...Dr. Makis , A midwestern Doctor and Dr. Yoho on substack and Dr. Mercola as well as Robert Kennedy, Jr. feel a lot of the problems are childhood vaccines. But it could be the processed foods and toxins all around us on top of it all like you just mentioned. Now it is the blood clots from the Covid jabs.All of it adds up. Dorothy

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As someone who had a very severe case of psoriasis as a child and who has seen and addressed successfully numerous people with psoriasis I do not disagree. Perhaps, the vaccines are what sets up the body for immune dysregulation and then other factors such as stress, heavy alcohol consumption and antibiotic use push the immune system over the edge.

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Feb 29, 2024
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I clicked the link and it came up with a list of videos. Is there one that specifically pertains to psoriasis?

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Mar 1, 2024
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I did not watch the first video yet but read the Mercola article. I always appreciate that he is humble enough to change his nutrition beliefs. I never understood the longterm keto craze and am on board with much of what he says such as rancid oils and the challenges finding an reputable omega-3 supplement-a post on this is in the works. The only one comment he had that I am uncertain of is the daily aspirin intake and what it may potentially do to the gut microbiome and permeablity as a longterm OTC medication.

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