I think everybody is missing or neglecting some issues. First, we are given a choice, germs or terrain. Really? Is this all? Do you want to limit the entire existence to two factors?

We live in a world composed of almost a hundred elements of which we are aware and nobody knows how many elements which we cannot even detect because of our technological limitations. Why not two? Why not five elements? We are told that the life is made of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur and phosphorus. Why isn’t it enough? WHY? We don’t know.

What else we don’t know? Whenever we arrive at a simple answer, closing a search, finishing a scientific investigation, completing the most extensive clinical trial, you may be sure that there is more. We just need to wait a year or fifty years for our mind, understanding, knowledge and technology to catch up. Then, boooom, what we knew was the “truth” is being demolished in an instant.

What factors do we miss? One is well known, so well that literally everybody knows it and knows that it is stronger than germs or terrain. We call it hope, inner strength, purpose, faith, love, inner healing, spirit. Everyone knows it is the strongest factor. How do we know it?

Instinctively. “Instinct” is another factor which successfully escapes scientific examinations. But it’s there. Even better, it rules over all other factors. You see a person, and - if you are friends with your instinct - you make an instant decision, yes or no, friends or strangers. Or, yes, this is the right person to be together. Germs won’t help, the terrain is irrelevant, but this new relationship will make stronger beyond the reach of the ugliest diseases.

In five paragraphs, we already have four key factors: germs, terrain, spirit and instinct. What else are we missing?

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The point of the article was to compare the two theories not to state that only two theories for health and disease exist. I understand what you are saying. For instance, I think it was the late Rashid Buttar who in one of the Bolinger cancer series explained how cancer cannot just be resolved with food and nutrition. A person has to address their spirituality, trapped emotions, relationships and stressors too since when all of this is out of balance it can contribute to a diseased state and hinder healing. Complete healing is much more than just eating a healthy diet.

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The germ/terrain concept must have been like an earthquake when it surfaced. By the way, it was some 150 years ago. One hundred and fifty years. In terms of science development, it is like a distance from prehistory to unknown science fiction.

Despite this huge time shift, we are still stuck to the two options concept. I can understand that neither Bechamp nor “classic” scientists of his period didn’t have awareness, knowledge and mind capacity to go into more details. But now?...

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If anyone has a current book on terrain theory, I'm interested! When doing a search online it appears the germ theory still is king and there were many negative posts on terrain theory.

Again, understanding the terrain concept is looking at it as a piece of the wellness model.

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current book on terrain therapy:


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Only one book? Why not more? :-)

There are two terrain-based systems widely popular and known throughout the world: Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), both recognized by WHO. The traditional Arabic medicine is the third largest terrain system concept in the world, but I haven’t found anything on it in English.

TCM (China) is a fully scientific approach, with enormous clinical validation, official publications, and clinical practice, often alongside the “Western” approach. Tons of literature in English.

Ayurveda (India) is a different take on us as terrain-based life forms, quite popular in the West, although its perception is deformed by strong emphasis on food and eating habits. Not that these are more “important” than understanding how your body works as a terrain system, but because writing on food is easy and sells well - thus authors tend to follow the easy road. A lot of literature.

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look no further than legendary musician Frank Zappa for the root cause of most modern malady’s , and his song “i’m the slime” that contains the line ‘i’m the slime oozing out of your tv set”

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Very nice article, thank you. It pretty much encapsulates my view as well.

I have been trained in traditional Chinese medicine, and just like all ancient healing methods, the process is like this. Life force (energy, Qi, prana, fluids) runs in multiple levels inside and outside the body, in perfect balance with all life in the universe. When this balance is disturbed, disease ensues. In some cases, pathogens are said to invade this system, but this is in perfect accord to what Bernard and Bechamps described.

Health is a matter of being in harmony with both oneself and the environment. So, in my view, germs are just part of the terrain.

I deeply believe that both aspects, the material and the spiritual, are two sides of the same coin. you cannot neglect either.

I see it work all the time. A strong determination to heal coupled with deep conviction in the method, will produce victory. A half-hearted desire coupled with doubts, especially concerning your innate ability to heal, will bring defeat.

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So true. I cannot recall the cyclists name but he is a speaker now I think-in a race he crashed and was paralyzed. He said he used visualization to heal his spine and fully recover. Or on the flip side, a doctor telling a patient with cancer how long they have left to live and the person gives up and dies right when the doctor said they would.

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My understanding of Bechamp is that the microzyma change shape at early signs of environmental shift and that he witnessed them change into different viral, bacterial, fungal and microbial shapes known to science at the time. What this says to me is that these microzyma do not enter the body from the outside, but respond to conditions on their terrain. It puts the onus on the individual rather than the environment/others, which is anathema to allopathic medicine.

Because we have germ theory as the norm, some people (Andrew Kaufman) have proposed maybe pheromones play a role in 'contagion' kind of like when women work together they menstruate together. Maybe one person 'detox' triggers others?

With regards to the Co-ver (as my dad calls it) in those with risk factors, I believe it is the same as the 'flu'. The PCR test is a sham and flu symptoms and the Co-ver are the same. I couldn't understand why this wasn't obvious to others at the time or why someone with no symptoms would get a test. Bizarre. Now, the CDC has said that we can treat the Co-ver like the flu. Huh, color me surprised. Too much glucose is very bad. I do believe sugar will kill you.

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The onus should be on each of us, instead society is taught to always place the blame elsewhere- “ It is the viruses fault I got sick, or that person who didn't wear a mask or get injected.” its never the individual's fault for not being responsible for their health, their actions and so forth. I know so many people still getting repeated c-19 tests.

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I know, it's crazy to me that people even took them in the first place. My sister-in-law just felt bad and reassured us it wasn't covid and she'd taken a test to find out. I guess people just have a stash of them in their bathroom cabinets like otc drugs?

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I think it's funny that since these tests came out I have heard people say they have had c-19 numerous times but I rarely have heard someone say “ I have a cold, or I'm just run down or I have the flu.” Nope, it's all cov!d.

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Only two of my neighbors still test. I'm out in the rural bits and most of my elderly neighbors took at least two jabs, but I think they've wizened up. Our super jabbed friends have had

cov!d multiple times.

I loved that chart in the NYT that had cov!d, the flu, and RSV symptoms with a number of dots (for severity) after each symptom so you could try and figure out which one you had. Why bother? Go home, rest, nebulize some hydrogen peroxide if you want, drink some bone broth and heal!

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It all confuses me. I know I agree with the fact if you're run down, you're more likely to get sick. Personally, the more run down I got, the sicker I got, because my body had so few defenses left to fight whatever.

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So many schools of thought does make it challenging to understand which concepts are correct. When sick,you are more prone to further illness because of the weakened state the body is in.

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