Huzzah Karen!

Excellent scientific and literary response here to a very crucial understanding of today's regulatory functions in their relationship to common sense. I appreciated your context of personal experience in senior care facilities and your radical tendency to actually read labels and think about word meanings.

Be careful, friend, that seems to be getting a little dangerous now.

Seriously, do keep up the great work! Dr. Thomas Lee -naturodoc.com

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Mar 30Liked by Karen Brennan, PhD

Laboratory worker for 31 years. You are correct. MSDS (Material Safty Data Sheet) are for working, mostly, with raw materials. We had a sheet for NaCl (salt). It said it shouldn't be consumed. πŸ˜³πŸ™„

They're not even called MSDS any more. They changed the name of them the year I quit working, and darned if I can remember what they changed it to after all this time! πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£

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Apr 2Liked by Karen Brennan, PhD

Karen, thanks for the post. As regards your statement:

β€œLook for a vitamin D supplement that does not contain added oils, such as soybean oil.”

Is this a statement about the vitamin D or the added oil itself, in this case soybean oil? IOTW, if it were coconut oil would you have the same advice? Thanks.

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Being that vaccine-exposure alone increases the risk of deadly and disabling diseases by over 20K%, I'm hardly going to concern myself with how vitamin supplements pose any sort of meaningful threat. It's primarily just a way to blame something OTHER THAN vaccines for health problems.

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