Apr 19Liked by Karen Brennan, PhD

Oxalates would be good to cover, as well as more information on the dangers of linoleic acid. Freedomlover's suggestion of investigating natural cancer therapies would be good, but that is a huge multi-post topic that you may want to break down into smaller topics. Thank you for your work on educating the misinformed and propogandized public about these health issues!

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Apr 19Liked by Karen Brennan, PhD

Have you covered collagen? Was it a fad?

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Apr 21Liked by Karen Brennan, PhD

On Vitamin D supplements, mercola.com has lots of information, and it is just about the same as you are posting. You are right on. Thank you for taking a stand. All the best to you.

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Apr 19Liked by Karen Brennan, PhD

I had a row with my Mother's doctor years ago when he was "okay" with her having a level of 30. Of course that's the minimum on the "range" on the blood work. I mean come on... it's the same for everyone from birth to 90's? She was in her 90's at the time and I made sure she took supplements. She never had the flu and rarely had the sniffles.

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Apr 19Liked by Karen Brennan, PhD

I saw a link to Agent 131711's post elsewhere and it was far too poorly argued for me to bother finishing it, never mind argue with it. Long on attitude and scare tactics and short on convincing information.

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Apr 19Liked by Karen Brennan, PhD

I think natural cancer therapies is a topic that you could address - what works, what doesn't and why. I believe it's a systemic disease, and you have to heal the whole body, not just focus on the symptoms. While environmental factors play a role, I think nutrition is the key.

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