Apr 13Liked by Karen Brennan, PhD

I agree. They are cowards, and therefore lack integrity. They have to know.

My guess is that pharma, or one of the organizations that they bankroll is behind pushing the term autism "acceptance."

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Apr 13Liked by Karen Brennan, PhD

Are these doctors you are speaking of trying to push the acceptance of autism in society and possible treatments for those already here, while you see it as saying, "Sit down and shut up! We're making more with our vaxxes, so deal with it?"

I think awareness is a better title for either. I don't think we should have to accept it either way.

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Apr 14Liked by Karen Brennan, PhD

You’re right! They want to avoid the harassment that comes with courage.

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Apr 15Liked by Karen Brennan, PhD

One thing I would also like to see research on is Vit D levels, since they morph from Mom to pre born baby, and we know that adults are woefully lacking in D, which is so important for the immune system, then the baby us even further deficient after birth. Then, of course, don't take your baby out in the sun without toxic sunscreen.

This may seem simplistic but have you ever noticed his pale autistic kids are??? No sun!!

Not sure if he's still around but years ago I read a lit from Dr John Cannell on Vit D and autism.

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Apr 15Liked by Karen Brennan, PhD

I've been to more than 1 functional Doc and find they are not much different than regular ones. Except they make their money off of the supplements they force on you.

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Apr 14Liked by Karen Brennan, PhD

I too am saddened by these doctors' avoidance of the vaccine issue. I have two new grandbabies and am concerned about their shots. i know my daughters have knowledge of the possibility of autism because one of my daughters asked me if i thought her baby had it, when the little doll wouldn't look at her mother. They're aware of the higher incidence of autism, but they're not at all sure about saying no to vaccines. I give them any information I think they'll read. And yes, autism acceptance doesn't sit well with me either.

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Apr 14Liked by Karen Brennan, PhD

You are not being too hard on those doctors. As long as they are tip toeing around the elephant in the room they are working for the narrative which is destroying the health of our children. They know and they won't speak out and they are both profiting from the poisoning that they will not name.

As for autism acceptance it is the progression of the coverup so that the autism economy, as Toby Rogers describes it, can continue to grow. There is far too much money being made now for the true causes of autism to be identified and addressed. You mention aluminium which as an environmental pollutant is a huge problem for biological life on this planet. Poisons like AI are everywhere but the direct injection of seriously toxic substances into the bodies of children would have to be one of the most insane aspects of this irrational approach to health.

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